You can follow any of the below mentioned steps to manage exim mail queue.
  • From WHM
  • With SSH commands

#1. From WHM

  • Login to WHM as root.
  • Select Emails on WHM feature list page.
  • Select Mail Queue Manager on the next page.
  • list of all queued mails will appear. You may filter the required ones.
  • From here, you can select any or all the queued mails and then perform an action as Deliver Selected or Delete Selected as required.

#2. With SSH Commands

  • Login to SSH with root credentials.
  • You can use exim command with argument to get the information related to queued emails.
  1. exim -bp 
  2. exim -bpc
  3. exim -bp | exiqsumm 
To learn more commands related to manage exim mail queue, check the blog.
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