To manage the bulk mailing that occurred from a cPanel account hosted within your WHM Reseller, you might feel like to suspend the outgoing emails of that cPanel account. But because of having less features as WHM Reseller, it is not possible for you to do so. Thus, you can use the simplest way by using JSON API.

#1. Suspend Outgoing Emails of a cPanel Account

In the WHM Reseller interface, simply add the given string in the address bar, 

just after cpsess#########/ with the cPanel username as directed below.

*Note: Replace username_cPanel with the username of cPanel account.

You will get a confirmation message on the next page that states, you have successfully suspended the outgoing emails of a cPanel account.

#2. Unsuspend Outgoing Emails of a cPanel Account

You can easily unsuspend outgoing emails of a cPanel account just by replacing the suspend keyword with the unsuspend one.

  • Login to WHM Reseller Interface and add the JSON API in the address bar just after cpsess#########/ with the cPanel username

The confirmation message will appear on the next page that states, you have successfully unsuspended the outgoing emails of a cPanel account.
To learn more about suspension of outgoing emails of a cPanel account, refer to our Blog.

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