You can easily block and unblock IP Address with IP Blocker feature in cPanel.

#1. Block IP Address in cPanel

  • Login to cPanel.
  • Go to Security section and then select IP Blocker.
  • On the next page, enter the IP Address or domain or range of IP address in the box and then Add.
Now, the entered IP will not be allow to access your website.

#2. Unblock IP Address in cPanel

  • Login to cPanel and navigate to Security section.
  • Select IP Blocker from the list of features.
  • Scroll down to Currently-Blocked IP Addresses on the nxt page where all the Blocked IPS will be listed.
  • Click over the Delete option for the IP which you want to unblock.
  • Confirm on the next page by clicking over Remove IP and done.
You will receive a message of confirmation on the next page.
That's it !
You can also refer to the blog to learn in detailed procedure.
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