Permissions can be very important when it comes to hosting your website. Permissions can allow our server computer to write and edit your files. Along with that, some files need to be protected from writing and editing, as a security measure. You can change your file permissions in many ways. One of the easy and basic ways to change the permissions is through File manager in cPanel.

Step::1 Login to cPanel and open File Manager

Steps::2 Scroll over public_html and right click on it and choose Change Permissions option

Step::3 Set the permissions to 0750.

Step::4 All folders inside the public_html folder should have 0755 permissions.

Step::5 All files inside the public_html folder should have 0644 permissions.

In this way you can setup file permissions of any file in cPanel.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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