Web Host Manager (WHM), is a program that allows you administrative access to your WHM Reseller hosting account.
To access the WHM login page, simply add/whm to the end of your domain name in your browser’s address bar. If your domain name is example.com you would enter ‘example.com/whm’.

You can also enter the following URLs to login to WHM Reseller:



There is one more way to log into your WHM Reseller dashboard, but for that you need to perform the steps given below:

Step::1 Login to your Redserverhost’s Client area

Step::2 Then go to My Services under Services section

Step::3 Next click on the green coloured “Active” button.

Step::4 Now click on “Login to WHM” in the left hand sidebar panel.

It will redirect you directly to the WHM Reseller dashboard without asking for login credentials.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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