If you want to limit RAM usage for all cPanel users under your WHM, then simply follow the steps given below;

Step::1 Login to WHM root and go to Plugins section

Step::2 Click over ConfigServer Security & Firewall

Step::3 Now go to the CSF tab and click on Firewall Configuration

Step::4 Next click on the drop down menu and choose Process Tracking

Step::5 Now you can set here various parameters related to RAM like PT_USERMEM. Here we setting this value to 512 which means the RAM usage for each cPanel user will be limited to 512 MB.

Step::6 In the same way PT_USERRSS option refers to virtual memory usage. You can set this limit to something like 256 MB

Step::7 Next you need to switch ON the option- PT_USERKILL option then if this value exceeds then it will be automatically killed.

Step::8 Finally click over Change button.

In this way you can limit RAM usage for all cPanel users via CSF in WHM.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.
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