Step::1 Let’s start by logging into the cPanel of your WordPress hosting

Step::2 Click on File Manager to access the root directory of your WordPress site.

Step::3 Navigate wp-config.php file which is located inside the public_html folder of the root directory of your website.

Step::4 Right click on the wp-config.php file and choose the Edit option.

When you click edit, a dialog box will appear like the one shown below. Click Edit button to edit the configuration file in the Text editor.

Step::5 In the Text editor, you will find code which is related with the authentication of the user. You can simply press Ctrl+F in your browser and search for the keyword “Auth” and it will take you directly to the code. These lines are also known as authentication keys & salts.

Step::6 Go to WordPress Secret key api page URL-

This page generates new key randomly that can be implemented in the wp-config files.

Step::7 Copy the newly generated keys and paste them in your wp-config.php file. Save all the changes.

This will automatically throw all the user out of the system and force them to log in to the system again.

By following the above steps, you can save your website from unauthorized access by logging out everyone in the system.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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