If you want to set timezone as per your country’s location then in that case you just need to follow the steps given below.

Step::1 Login to your cPanel and go to MultiPHP INI Editor.

Step::2 Next select the Editor Mode tab and select your domain

Step::3 Enter here the code given below and click on Save button.

Make sure you replace Asia/Kolkata with your country

Apart from this it is also very important that you have your timezone correctly set up in WordPress so that posts will publish as expected.

Step::1 Go to your WordPress Dashboard.

Step::2 Click on the Settings, then click General.

Step::3 Now find the section labeled Timezone.

Step::4 Choose either a city in the same timezone as you or a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time offset.

Step::5 Click on Save.

Visit our Blog for more details, You can also watch the video here.
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