find command is the best command to find something on a Linux server. Let’s take a deep look at the find command.

Find hidden files using the "Find" Command

You can follow the below command to find and list all the hidden files on your server.

$  find .

"Find" Command in Linux

You can use -iname for case-sensitive search.
find . -name "backup*"

To list only files starting with the "backup", use the below command.

find . -type f -iname "backup*"

Filter your search result with -size command

To list all the files starting with the backup name and over 1MB in size.
find . -type f -size +1M -iname "backup*"

"Find" With Permissions Codes

To list all the files or directories having 644 permission.
find . -perm 644
To read more about use of find command in Linux. Refer to the blog.
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