Following are the top 20 basic Linux Commands with Live Examples that would definitely help you start your Linux journey.

  1. pwd: The PWD Command is used to display your current working directory. 
  2. ls: The ls command in Linux will help you to list all the content present inside your current working directory.
  3. cd: The cd command in Linux is used to browse through the directory.
  4. mkdir/rmdir: The mkdir command in Linux is used to create directory/directories, whereas the rmdir is used to remove a directory.
  5. rm: The rm -r command in Linux is used to remove directories containing files. 
  6. touch: You can use the touch command to create file.
  7. find: You can easily find any specific file or directory located in your current working directory.
  8. cp: The cp command in Linux is used to copy files/directories from one directory to another. 
  9. mv: The mv command is used to simply rename files.
  10. cat: This command is used to view the contents of a file.
  11. vi/nano: Both of the commands are used to modify the contents of a file.
  12. df: This command will display the available & used disk space of every partition in your system.
  13. du: The du command can be used to track files and directories that are consuming a high amount of disk space on your server’s hard disk.
  14. zip/unzip: To compress a file or files into a zip format, use the zip command. You can use the unzip command to extract the zip files.
  15. uname: The uname command is used to display the information about the operating system your server using.
  16. tar: You can use the tar command to create compressed or uncompressed Archive files and also maintain and modify them. 
  17. chmod: he chmod command is used to change the files/directories permissions. 
  18. ping: This command is used to troubleshoot the connectivity and reachability of the domain or server.
  19. top: This command displays the real-time view of all the processes running,
  20. exit: The exit command is used to close and exit from the terminal.
To get more information related to given commands and their uses, check the blog.
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