List of some basic SSH commands are:
  1. ls – This command is used to list all files and directories. 
  2. cd – This command is used to “walk” between directories (cd stands for “change directory”).
  3. mkdir – This command is used to create a new directory (stands for “make directory”).
  4. rm – This command is used to remove a chosen file/directory.
  5. cat – This command is used to display the contents of the file. 
  6. pwd – This command shows your current location in the file system.
  7. cp – This command is used to copy files and folders.
  8. mv – This command works the same way as cp, but instead, it moves the file instead of copying it. This command can also be used to rename the file.
  9. find – Now this command is used to search folders for a file or files.
  10. vi/nano – This command is used to enter a text editor.
  11. history – This command is used to display the last used commands. 
  12. clear – This command clears all the text from the Terminal screen.
You can check the blog and video tutorial to learn in detail procedure.
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