Step::1 You can simply copy the contents from your localhost(wamp) whatever is present inside www and upload the content directory into your live cPanel based server inside public_html.

Step::2 Go to PHP MyAdmin to create database. Open localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser

Step::3 Click On Database option.

Step::4 Create Database

Step::5 As soon you finished creating Database go to Export option

Step::6 Export your database by creating a SQL file

Step::7 Save the file in your Local PC

Step::8 Login to your cPanel

Step::9 Go to PHP MyAdmin

Step::10 Click on Import option

Step::11 Click on choose File option and browse for the .sql file on your computer and click Open

Step::12 After uploading the SQL file you will see several options underneath this page  like defining the format of the file and the compatibility type to use. Everything is usually set to the default settings.

Step::13 Click Go to proceed.

Hence you will get a message saying the import has been successful.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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