Once you have installed Drupal you can change the default theme to a new theme that suits your website’s need.

Step::1 Open you web browser and go to the given URL

Step::2 In this page you can search theme as per your requirement and settings that you fill up here and click on Search button.

Step::3 Next you will see list of themes available to install. For demonstration purpose we are going to download Adaptive Themes.

Step::4 Scroll down and find the Download Link and click on it.

Step::5 Save the file into your local PC

Step::6 Once the zip file is downloaded, go to your Drupal Dashboard and click on Install New Theme button.

Step::7 Browse the zip file from your local PC and upload it

Step::8 Finally click on Install button

After the installation has been completed you will see a success message “Installation was completed successfully

Step::9 Go back to the main Appearance menu and click on the Install and set as default button corresponding to the theme you wish to setup as your default theme.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed and setup new theme in Drupal!!

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.


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