A sitemap is a key element to any website. It adds a lot of functionality, not so much for the website user, but for Google and other search engines.

Step::1 Open your web browser and enter the given URL

Step::2 Click on GET OSMAP tab

Step::3 Now scroll down to the Free version and click on it

In the next page enter your email address to get the download link in your Email acccount

Now go to your Email inbox and check for the download link

Once you find the link, click on “Download OSMAP Free” file and Save the file into your local PC

Step::7 Now login to your Joomla dashboard and go to Extensions tab and click on Manage and then Install

Step::8 Browse and upload the osmap.zip file. Once the extension has been installed, you will get a thank you message saying that the extension was successfully installed.

Step::9 On the top menu bar, click on Extensions and then select Plugins.

Step::10 Search for the “OSMap” extension you just installed. If it has a red circle with a white “x” in it, click the icon to activate (enable) the plugin.

If the icon has a green checkmark, it means it’s already activated and the extension is live and ready to be configured.

Step::11 Now click on the Plugin and go on the plugin configuration page.

In the plugin configuration page you will see three tabs:

1st tab is Plugin where you will set all the settings for the actual plugin that you want. Things like categories, links, page breaks, and archives can all be set how you would like. Go ahead and set this up how you prefer.

2nd tab is XML where you could configure the XML sitemap portion of the extension. Images, category priority, and article priority can be adjusted here.

3rd tab is is News. Click the dropdown menu and choose the setting you want for your news XML sitemap.

Step::12 Simply click on the “Save” button and you have successfully completed the process to add a sitemap in Joomla.

In this way you could add a Sitemap to your Joomla website.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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