When your site gets hacked, it’s advisable to change the password of every user. If you have a lot of users on the site, it can be more terrible if you don’t know how to perform a mass user password reset.

Follow the steps to perform mass user password reset in WordPress:

Login to your WordPress admin Dashboard

Step::2 Go to Plugins section and click on “Add New” option

Step::3 Search for Emergency Password Reset plugin in the available search box

Step::4 Click on Install Now button

Step::5 Once installed, click on the Activate button

Step::6 Now go to Users section and click on Emergency Password Reset option

Step::7 To do the mass user password reset. Click the “Reset all passwords” button.

Once you click on Reset all Passwords, WordPress logout all users and will send a password reset email to all of your registered users. This includes the admin account which initiated the reset.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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