Here we will learn how to install Joomla in cPanel using Softaculous. The quickest and simplest way to install Joomla! is with the Softaculous App Installer available in cPanel. Softaculous provides an easy, one-click installation that is the best choice for most website owners.

Step::1 Log into your cPanel account

Step::2 Scroll down to the Software section and click Softaculous Apps Installer.

Step::3 Expand the Portals/CMS menu and click Joomla.

Step::4 On the Overview tab, click Install Now.

Step::5 In the Setup section, enter the following details:

In Directory – You can specify here the directory where you want to install Joomla. To install Joomla! at the root of your site, leave this blank.

Site NameEnter the name of your site.
Site DescriptionEnter a short description of your site.
Admin UsernameEnter a username for the admin user.
Admin PasswordEnter a strong password for the admin username.
Real NameEnter the admin user’s real name.
Admin EmailEnter the email address of the admin user.
Select LanguageSelect the correct language for the Joomla! back-end.

You can let Softaculous choose the database settings.

Step::6 When you’re finished entering settings, click Install.

When the installation is complete you’ll see a success message and links to your Joomla! site and Joomla! administrator back-end.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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