Step::1 Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Step::2 Search for WP Spell Check in the available search box.

Step::3 Click on the “Install Now” button and Activate the plugin for use.

Step::4 Now go to the WP Spell Check plugin which you have installed.

You will see four tabs at the top of the page including Spelling, Grammar, SEO Empty Fields, and Broken Code.

Each tab is almost identical to use. You will find buttons that will scan specific parts of your website. For example, on the Spelling tab, you can select to scan the entire website, posts, pages, or content by a specific author. Simply click on the button and the plugin will begin the scan.

Step::5 Click on the scan that best suits your needs. The plugin will begin the scan of the option you clicked on. Once complete, you will see a list of errors the plugin has found. Underneath the error, you will have a few options.

Step::6 Simply click on the Edit option to manually replace the word with what you want.

Step::7 Once you are done making changes, click on the “Save all Changes” button

Congratulations, you have successfully learned how to correct spelling mistakes from all the posts in WordPress.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.
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