Step::1 First, you need to log into your old site’s WordPress dashboard.

Step::2 From there, go to the Tools section and click, “Export.”

Step::3 In the Export screen, you’ll have several options available like All content, Posts, Pages & Media(Here, I am showing you how to move All content.)

Step::4 Click the “Download Export File” button on the bottom.

Step::5 Now click on the Save File option to save the xml file to your desktop/Laptop Once the file has been saved, you can continue on to the next step.

Step::6 Now log into the new WordPress website’s dashboard

Step::7 Go to the Tools section and click, “Import.”

Step::8 In the Import screen, you’ll see a variety of options for blog types. Since we are moving content from one WordPress site to another, we want to use “WordPress.”

Step::9 Directly under “WordPress,” you’ll see a link “Install Now,” click on it to install WordPress module

Step::10 Now Click on Run Importer.

Step::11 Next click on the Browse button

Step::12 Upload the xml file which you downloaded earlier

Step::13 Click on Upload File and Import

Step::14 In the next screen, you’ll be able to assign authors to the old content. You can import the old author directly, create a new user login name or assign the posts to an existing user on the new site.

Step::15 Finally click on the Submit button.

In this way WordPress will then transfer all content from the old site to the new.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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