Facebook is the largest referrer of social media traffic to online business and websites. If you want to add Facebook like and share buttons on your webpage, here is a handy step-by-step tutorial about adding Facebook like button on your website.

Step::1 Go to the given URL- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button/

Step::2 Now click on “Like Button Configurator” button

Step::3 In the next screen, you get various options to customize your like button. In URL to like add the URL of your website’s official facebook page.

Step::4 You can even customize the layout of the button (box format, button format etc). There are other options like adding Facebook share button along with the like button

Step::5 Now click on “Get Code button” to generate the code.

Step::6 This will activate a popup window from where you can copy the HTML code which you need in further steps.

Step::7 Login to cPanel and go to File Manager

Step::8 Go inside public_html and then find sample.html file

Step::9 Right click over sample.html file and choose the Edit option

Step::10 Now paste here the copied code under body tag and  click on Save Changes button.

Once this process is successfully completed you will be able to see the facebook like and share button visible on your webpage.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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