Step::1 Login to your Tawk to Dashboard and go to “Admin

Step::2 Go to the sidebar dashboard and select the Departments option.

Step::3 From the Departments Screen after you click Departments you can Add a New Department or Manage Existing Departments.

Step::4 Now enter the department name and select members and you can also add the description about the department and choose those members whom you would like to add in the department

Step::5 After adding the department name and description click on Save

Step::6 Hence the department is added successfully

Step::7 Now again go back to Admin section

Step::8 Select the Chat Widget option on the left-hand side menu.

Step::9 Click Edit Content in the Widget Content menu.

Step::10 Select Pre-Chat form in the menu

Step::11 Click the Off Switch to On.

This Pre-Chat from will pop Up in your website whenever any visitor visits you website. Thus visitors can choose the department he /she would like to join chat with.

This is how you can Setup and Add Departments in tawk to online chat system in your website.

Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.

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