This error generally happens due to renamed wp-admin. In order to solve this error you have to go to the respective path which is shown in the error and then you will find that wp-admin is written which should be your custom admin. This wrong path is the actual reason behind the error.
Step::1 Login to your cPanel admin dashboard
Step::2 Click on the File Manager icon under FILES section
Step::3 Next go to public_html and find wp-content folder in your WordPress installation directory
Step::4 Next go to Plugins directory and create a php file
Step::5 You can give any name to this file like “test.php”
Step::6 Once you have created test.php file, right click and choose the Edit option
Step::7 Add the code given below
$anything = shell_exec('grep -Ril "wp-admin"');
echo "<pre>$anything</pre>";
Step::8 This code will find the “wp-admin” wherever written in the website’s code
Step::9 Save the file and close the editor
Step::10 Open the test.php from new window in your browser and get the output.
This will show you the list of path where wp-admin i.e old path(Default path) is written. You have to replace this old path(custom path) with the new path wherever required to fix the issue.
Visit our Blog for more details. You can also watch the video here.