Follow the steps to Setup DomainResell Module in WHMCS.
Register in you get a mail at your registered email address. Now, you need to download the zip file from the link provided in the mail and add it as a new module inside Whmcs install folder >> modules >> registrar. Note down the Secret Key as well.
  1. Login to cPanel.Go to File Manager under FILES section.
  2. Now go the WHMCS installation directory and find “modules” folder.
  3. Inside modules folder go to “registrars” folder.
  4. Now inside registrars folder click on Upload button to upload the Domain Reseller file.
  5. When the zip file is uploaded then extract the file.
  6. Now Login to WHMCS and navigate to the Setup tab and scroll down to Products/Services and click on Domain Registrars.
  7. Click on Activate button near the DomainSeller
  8. After this you need to configure the Registrar module details like SellerURL, SecretKey, Username, Password, Reseller Email, ResellerNotify etc.
  9. Now, click on Save Changes.
  10. Now again go to WHMCS Setup >> Domain Pricing and assign the DomainSeller module to tlds.
  11. In the Auto Registration section go to each row and from the drop-down select DomainSeller and click on Save Changes.
That's It !
Check out the video tutorial to get explanation on the particular topic. You may read the blog as well.
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