With the below mentioned steps, you can easily access the Tweak Settings in WHM.
  • Login to WHM as root.
  • Navigate to the Server Configuration > Tweak Settings to access the tweak settings feature.
  • Following is the list of all the tabs present inside the Tweak Settings.
  1. Compression tab
  2. cPAddons Site Software tab
  3. Development tab
  4. Display tab
  5. Domains tab
  6. Logging tab
  7. Mail tab
  8. Notifications tab
  9. PHP tab
  10. Redirections tab
  11. Security tab
  12. Software tab
  13. SQL tab
  14. Stats and Logs tab
  15. Stats Programs tab
  16. Status tab
  17. Support tab
  18. System tab
Thus, Tweak Settings contain so many settings that cannot be explained in a summarize way.
So, to get in-detailed knowledge of the feature read the blog.
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